La Sangha Bunnysattva

La Bunnysattva reveille le sentiment et l'attirance vers les choses sublimes
et vers l'Amour Divin chez celui qui prend contact avec la Bunnysattva

The feeling and inspiration for things sublime, and divine love
are imparted by the Bunnysattva to everyone she meets.

The highest reality is not a mere abstraction.
It is very much alive with sense and awareness
and intelligence -- and above all, with love,
purged of human impurities and defilements.

D. T. Suzuki


Oscar Luft-hansa a etudie Buddhism depuis les annees 1930 au-dessous de trois gurus. En 1997 la Bunnysattva demande lui pour presenter des exposes preliminaires a Paris. Chaque entretien sera environ une heure, suivie des questions et des reponses, une meditation du vingt minute, le cappuccino et les croissants. Tous les entretiens ont lieu au CENTRE POUR BROAD BUDDHISM, 16 rue Georges Gurdjieff, et commencent a 7 P.M. Il n'y a aucun honoraire.


Oscar Luft-Hansa has studied Buddhism since the 1930s under three spiritual teachers. In 1997 the Bunnysattva asked him to give introductory talks in Paris. Each talk will be about an hour, followed by questions and answers, a twenty minute group meditation, cappuccino and croissants. All talks take place at the CENTER FOR BROAD BUDDHISM and begin at 7 p.m. Saturday evenings. Everyone is welcome. There is no charge, and no collection is taken.

The CENTER FOR BROAD BUDDHISM is located at 16, Rue Georges Gurdjieff, three blocks southeast of the Gare d'Austerlitz. There is no sign at the entrance, just the number 16. If the door is locked, please ring the bell and wait.



led by Oscar Luft-hansa take place at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. at the Center -- except Saturday evenings, when Oscar speaks at 8 p.m.


Question. Fera-t-il des miracles lorsqu'il?

Response. Le miracle d'une guerison a toujours une grande importance pour celui qui ignore le point de vue spirituel. Telle est la pensee de la Bunnysattva, mais il ne fera pas de miracles pour satisfaire la simple curiosite.

Question. A quelle religion croite-il?

Response. La Bunnysattva n'appartient a aucune religion proprement dite, mais il les venere toutes. Les dogmes, les doctrines, les rites, les ceremonies, tout cela ne constitue pas la Vraie Religion.

Question. Comment se fait-il que la Bunnysattva ait la meme Conscience que le Bouddha et le Christ?

Response. Il n'existe qu'une seule Conscience Infinie, qu'il s'agisse de la Conscience du Bouddha ou do Christ. Une fois atteint le point maximum, la Conscience Cosmique reste a l'etat invariable pour l'eternite et demeure continuellement presente, aussi bien sur le Plan Spirituel que dans la Bunnysattva qui s'incarne dans le but d'elever l'Humanite.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will she perform miracles?

A. Those who understand have no need for miracles, because spiritual healing is by far the greatest healing -- and this is the Bunnysattva's real work. She will not perform miracles to satisfy mere idle curiousity.

Q. In what religion does she believe?

A. She belongs to no religion in particular, and yet to every religion. Dogmas and doctrines, rites and ceremonies, do not constitute true religion.

Q. How can the Bunnysattva have both the Buddha and Christ consciousness?

A. There is but one divine infinite consciousness, whether realised by Christ or experienced by Buddha. Once gained, the cosmic consciousness is gained for eternity, and is continually present either on the spiritual plane, or incarnate in the form of Realised Masters, such as the Bunnysattva, for the upliftment of humanity.


The Bunnysattva Sangha of Paris distributes stuffed animals to children on the streets, free of charge, every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. If you would like to help, see Nastassja Meticular or Marie Auclaire at the Center.

THE PEYM LIBRARY of the Bunnysattva Sangha is open daily from 10 to 7 p.m. We have a fair collection of Buddhist books, as well as a number of texts from other traditions. You can read books in the library or take them home with you. If you have books you would like to give to the library, see the librarian, Pierre Mouly. We are specially in need of books by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Manly Palmer Hall, Helena Blavatsky, Inayat Khan, Meherwan Rinpoche, Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche, Kalu Rinpoche, Dhuniwala Dada and J.R.R. Tolkien.

The COPPER PALACE MEDITATION HALL is open 24 hours a day. Please enter quietly, so as not to disturb anyone already meditating. Oscar has asked that anyone in the hall "Try, try, try" to stay awake. It's alright to read scriptures there silently, but please don't bring murder mysteries or sandwiches there. If you want to use the meditation hall after midnight, get a key from Francoise or the night watchperson.

NEWS FROM TRIBECA (The Bunnysattva Sangha in New York):
The New York Sangha has just moved into its new center at 88 Grove Street in Greenwich Village -- just east of Sheridan Square. If you want to visit, call or e-mail Mandy Buick at Please don't just drop in -- several of the resident students are on retreat, and others are keeping silence. Meetings open to the general public take place about once every three months. For information, see their web page (the address is listed above).

Yeheshua ben Miryam

THE BUNNYSATTVA SANGHA OF PARIS is a section of THE EASTERN SCHOOL OF BROAD BUDDHISM. It is one of five Sanghas under the spiritual direction of the Bunnysattva.

The CENTRE POUR BROAD BUDDHISM is located at 16, Rue Georges Gurdjieff, three blocks southeast of the Gare d'Austerlitz.

Everyone is welcome to our public meetings, regardless of race, religion, nationality, beliefs, social class or sexual orientation. Children above the age of twelve may attend, if they themselves are interested, have the written permission of a parent, and safe transportation has been arranged. Children under twelve must have individual permission from Oscar Luft-hansa and be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Pets of all kinds are welcome at all our meetings, and in the meditation hall, as long as they are completely tame and don't cause any disturbance.

All material on this web page is copyright 1999, The Eastern School of Broad Buddhism. The quote of D. T. Suzuki is from 'The Essence of Buddhism' (1947, p. 41). The quote from Meherwan Rinpoche is from 'Lord Meher' by Bhau Kalchuri (vol. 12, p. 4168). Web page design is by Mandy Bell Buick, Translations, such as they are, are by Nataly Enfer and Francoise Sardy.

You are confined in a very large, formidable prison --- the prison of the mind, of the body, and of the world. If once you are freed from this jail, you are safe forever. Still, this is all a figment of the imagination. You have passed through so many births. Just imagine how many children you have had. They are nowhere today.

In truth, there is nothing. Even the present life is a dream. In a dream at night you eat, weep and are joyous. But on awakening, you find it was all a dream. Likewise, life is a dream...

When your eyes are opened, you will spontaneously know and experience that what you took as real was in fact a dream.

Meherwan Rinpoche
26 June 1953

Om Bunnysattva Svaha
